

One on one coaching, in your own garden - just like grandma would do! Our first session is an hour long, hands on, Edible Gardening 101 class. After that, I’ll come out as many times as you need through the season for additional coaching sessions

Available: MAY 1 TO NOVEMBER 1

Price: $50/HR SESSION


teach a man to fish…


edible gardening 101

If you’re interested in a custom design, I’ll come by after our consultation to take some measurements and then the planning begins! Click below on more info on custom designed beds,

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pre-designed beds

Perhaps instead you’d just like a simple bed or a few containers - I also offer pre-designed beds. These have the materials, plants and labour built into one flat cost (subject to some conditions). A quick consultation is still needed for pre-designed beds but a discounted cost is included in the price. For a list of available beds and an inquiry form click on the link below,

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